Welcome to Torang Artwork. I am happy to be part of your life. I hope to bring you the best possible value and convenience. By accessing and using https://torangartwork.com or any other website that sells products published by Torang, you agree to abide by and be bound by these Terms of Use.


You’re in agreement and bound by the terms proposed below alongside its operating rules, policies and procedures possibly amended or supplemented to any extent that TorangArtwork promulgates from time to time. If you do not agree to any of these Terms, please leave this Website.


You also claim that you are 18 years of age and older, or if you are under 18, you will only use TorangArtwork in conjunction with your legal guardian. Should you be using the TorangArtwork platform on behalf of your employer, you can claim that your employer has authorised you to accept these Terms in his or her place. 


All contents on this site, featuring trademarks, interface, images, texts, templates, designs, sketches, patterns, etc. (collectively known as “Torang Products”) are in copyright, owned by Torang, and created by Trang Do.

Torang Products are strictly prohibited from being copied, republished, purchased, sold, rented, loaned, transferred, distributed, displayed, performed, licensed with any material or content obtained without official prior permission from Torang.  Posting a quote or image from our website to any third-party website including social media is not allowed.

In addition, you agree not to use any data mining tools or similar methods to obtain or gain unauthorized access to Torang’s products. Do not attempt to download TorangArtwork images for editing and use for any purpose.

You agree not to use Torang’s trademarks in a way that may defame, discredit, or do harm to Torang. Do not impersonate personal information as well as our products.


Non-compliance with licensing agreements: Your failure to comply with our licensing agreement will terminate the license agreement. Upon termination, you agree to cease using the Torang product, including copies.


Torang Products are always secure enough within your reach, not exposed to any environment in which Torang Products can be copied, moved, or stolen in your possession. Do not distribute Torang’s original work on any website or social media.


Torang’s provided products are intact, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of third-party claims or your success on use of the products.

Your access to the website is at your own risk and you will be solely held accountable for any damage or loss caused to you or any other party in consequence.

TorangArtwork does not guarantee that the site will meet your requirements such as uninterrupted access to the site, or the quality of the page.

This website is regularly updated, so we cannot guarantee that all materials and related media contained herein are completely precise, complete or up to date at any time.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold our website and company harmless from and against all claims, damages, costs, liabilities, and any direct or indirect behaviour arising due to your use of our website including the consequences of technological errors.


TorangArtwork may block, restrict, disable or terminate access at any time and for any reason, when we feel you have breached these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to allow any user access to our website in our sole discretion and we may revoke this access at any time without notice.